Hello Guys! How are you? How's your day? Mine is totally boring because I just spent this day in the house without knowing what am I gonna do. So, after did some non-sense things like open YouTube and another social media, now I decide to write what I thought. It's about hijab.
Hijab or headscarf or kerudung or whatever you call it which is a thing that Muslim women wear on their head. I also wear hijab. So, right here, right now, I wanna share about my thoughts about hijab since maybe several of you (readers) are curious about it.
Wearing hijab is an obligation for every Muslim women around the world. Actually, the time when Muslim women MUST wear hijab, not only wear hijab, but cover up their body from head to toe (including those hijab thingy) is when we first experienced the onset of puberty. Those duty is already been burdened to us. And as you know, nowadays, many of us are still not wearing it. My opinion about it is "it's up to them". If they are not ready yet, it doesn't matter. I can't judge them because they have their own right to decide whether they want to attire it or not.
To be honest, the first time I started to wear hijab is in the beginning of 2015. I used to be a girl whose anti to dress up with hijab. I really dislike it before. And the fact now is totally different, rotating 180 degrees. And how come it happened? I didn't just follow the trend because many females are already wear it just in terms of "fashion", "hijab of the day" or et cetera. I have my own spirituality experiences behind my big decision but the most important thing because I want to please my God, follow His rules and steer clear of His all ban (still trying). I'm not that religious but I just.. TRY. Being good is good ;)
I have a friend who is from the other country, and he rarely see girls with hijab in his country. So, when he firstly saw me and my other friends are use a fabric that cover our heads, long clothes and pants we during we do our activity so he asked to me personally "Am I not feel hot wearing it in a hot day?" lol. I didn't mind with his question. And the answer is No. I'm not feel that way. The truth is, I feel hot when I put it off my head in a hot day. Because the sunlight just past through my skin, my head, without any protection. Yeah.. It's hard to make people understand, because we are the only one who living it and feel it.
So do you want to know the real reason on why Muslim women MUST put on hijab? The answer is in holy Quran, There are 2 surah which explain well about it. Take a look at Surah An-Nur [24]:31 and Surah Al-Ahzaab [33]:59. I'm trying to explain every parts of it according to what I understand.
Firstly is Surah An-Nur:31 which sounds like this: "And tell the believing women to reduce [some] pf their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their headcovers over their chests and not expose their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers, their brothers' sons, their sisters' sons, their women, that which their rights hads posses, or those male attendants having no physical desire or children who are not yet aware of the private aspect of women. And let them not stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment. And turn to Allah in repentance, all of you, O believers, that you might succeed"
The meaning of adornment here is the very private part of their body. Which part that can be shown? It's only our face and our palms. It's clearly said besides those two parts, we do not allow to show it! Why? Because Men, sorry to say that you are full of lusts. You will get turn on when you see their physics especially their A** and B**** speficilaly if the girl has a big A and B! :P lol #NoOffense. So that's why our religion trying to protect the girls by prescribe us to wear long clothes and wear something that cover up our head to chest! And only people who already been mentioned in those Surah that can see us without our hijab. So what is the meaning of 'hose male attendants having no physical desire'? They're guys who are not tempted by girls. You absolutely know what I mean.
Secondly is Surah Al-Ahzaab [33]:59, that says "O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful."
Getting oneself up on hijab is giving you a protection. Based on my own experience before and after wearing it, I feel more secure after I wear it. It protects me from naughty-random-men who like to whistle and cat call at. Even if sometimes I encountered it, but they cat-call at me politely or more polite. Like using words "Assalamu'alaikum". It's actually a greetings in Arabic that has been used by Muslim culture which literally means "salam (peace) be upon you." And sometimes people know that females with hijab are a good girl. The level of respect from people is increase upon you.
So, that's all the basic reasons behind the obligation for every woman to put on their hijab. Not only as a common life-style but it is also giving a basic needs to feel revered because no-men or only few of men that will stare at you with those "seductive-gaze" yet mostly of they might see you strangely or differently dressed so you might be a little bit weird in front of them. haha. Just kidding. I don't know. They have their own opinion, not only for boys but girls outside there would think so to us, to girls like me. #agreetodisagree But at least, for me, I prefer those strange-gaze that people give to me rather than those seductive gaze because it will make me feel freakingly uncomfortable and also feel unsafe because those stare have a potential for men to do something bad at me. I mean like we live in the world which full of criminality including rape case. It happens everywhere to every women including to a girl like me but mostly for the girls who dress up quiet sexy because they show off their body. It's their rights but me, myself, prefer to prevent it. So, it's not only to please God but also as a preventive action from a bad things. Well-point well made.
That's all. Do you want to discuss about this. Leave your comment(s) below. Thank you.
Thursday, 8 September 2016
Tuesday, 6 September 2016
Pulisan Beach, Manado, North Sulawesi
Last month, exactly on 20 August 2016, I went to Pulisan Beach with my friends and it was totally a great opportunity to spend a holiday and to do a reunion since... I don't even remember exactly our last time together. It was probably in 2014! After a long time, we decided to go to Pulisan Beach to hanging out together!
Pulisan Beach is located in Distict Likupang, North Minahasa. It took 2 hours to reach it and we passed through the ring road near airport because it is a fastest way.
To be honest, even if I am the local people in Manado, I mean like I was born and has been grown up in Manado 'til I moved to Malang after I finished my High School, but seriously... It was my first time to Pulisan Beach so I was super excited!
It was worth the wait! Likupang Beach is so stunning!
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