Sunday, 15 September 2013

Family Holiday Part 1 in Malang City.

Hello Guys :D

As I promised you in my before post, I’ll tell you about my holiday in Malang and Bali. And this part, I’ll tell you about my holiday in Malang.

Well, okay. Actually I’d love to come back in Malang on September month, but because of my father’s graduation would be held on 24th of August so my family was used this chance to did a holiday trip too.
So my family (Mom, Dad, Brother, Auntie, Cousin, and Grandma’s sister) went to Malang on 21st of September, so we could use our 3 days for made a holiday trip in Malang. But unfortunately, my sister wasn't go with us, because she could not leave her college thingy.

It took approximately 3 hours from Manado to Surabaya by using airplane. And from Surabaya to Malang it took approximately 3 hours too. Such a long journey.

So, let’s jump to the part of our 1st holiday trip in Malang. We started our journey on 22nd of August. First place that we went was Agricultural place. There, we could pick fruits like apples, guavas, strawberries and other and we could eat it. And there, we also eat the foods from the fruits that planted there. We also saw a lot of beautiful flowers there. Those flowers there will be sell to the visitor. The florist is also sell the flowers seeds. We also visited Jatim Park 2. We could have a lot of new knowledge there about animals. And the next place that we visited was Selecta. It’s a garden. It’s full with beautiful flowers. There is also a swimming pool there, so besides we can see the garden, we can also have another recreation there. The view there is really good to take some pictures. The scenery is so beautiful. And the last place that we visited was Pos Ketan in Batu. There we can eat Ketan with some flavor that we ordered in the menu. And I also bought fresh milk. Mmmm, yummyyyy :d I usually went to those place with my friends, but in that time I went there with my family :D hehe

The second day of our trip, we went to Blitar as a changed cuz we couldn’t went to Bromo because my auntie wasn’t in a good condition to be in a cold places and my brother and cousin also would felt the same. But unfortunately, my father wasn’t followed us cuz he had something to do in his campus for his graduation. We took approximately 2 hours from Malang to Blitar. In Blitar, we went to Bung Karno’s (Indonesia’s first president) grave. There, we also went to a museum which is full with Soekarno’s pictures and things like his clothes, his weapons, and many more. There are so many shops around there. And we stopped by in a shop. My mom and auntie were shopping some stuff there. I don’t know what they’ve bought there because I was too busy looking all the stuffs there. Haha. Maybe they bought a kind of place to put mineral water or something like that. Lol.
From Blitar, we continued our journey to Coban Rondo waterfalls. Just fyi, it was so cold over there and I didn’t bring my jacket, so you can imagine how I feel at that time. As usual, we took some pictures there and we eat roasted corn. Mmm… yummmyyyy.. :d
From Coban Rondo we went to my picked my dad up at his campus and my mom, my auntie, my brother, my cousin and I went to a mall to buy something. The driver brought my dad and Iji (mom’s auntie) went back to my boarding house and we, from mall, went back to home by ourselves. Ahaha :P

On 24th of September morning. We already prepared to go to my dad’s graduation. In his campus, we took some family picture, again. Lol. After that we followed the event and congratulation to my dad. He had been finished his study with a really awesome result. Cum laode. I wish I’ll be like you when I graduated later. Amen. After the event, we went to lunch and also to celebrate it. We ate in one of a resto near my father’s campus. I ordered my favorite food, seafood, shrimps with sauce and drink my favs drink, strawberry juice. Mmmm, yummy :d

After lunch, we went back to take a rest and to prepare all of our stuff for our next destination. Bali!!!! Ahhhh….

My beloved mom and dad near the apple land.

Mom and auntie while chilled out in the agriculture place.

Random shoot. Me, my auntie and my cousin (Cinta).

My brother (Putra) and my cousin (Cinta) ate their food.
Nyam nyam nyam :9
Left to right. Putra, Iji, Me, Auntie, Cinta, Mom and Dad.

It's me :3

In the front office of agriculture place. Took some pictures before we go.
Left to right. Putra, Auntie, Mom, Cinta, Iji and I.

Mom, Iji and Auntie. In the garden store.
In Jatim Park 2.

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