Tuesday, 22 April 2014

A little reunion..

What will you do if you meet your old friend? Screaming out loud? Being hyper? Lol xD

I just met my old friend. Actually she's not. She is still my friend until now. We've been friend since we're child. Also, she is my neighbor in my hometown. So, you'll know how close we are and what will actually happen if we're meet each other.

Well, let me introduce. My friend's name is Amanda Hillary Husain. But you can call her Amanda. I was really happy to meet her in last friday at April 18, 2014. She was came to Malang for a competition with her friends.

We never meet for almost a year. Because, she was actually lived in Jakarta for study purpose and I live in Malang for the same reason. We just meet up when we have a holiday and back to Manado.

As usual, when we met, Amanda is still the same. Talkative, hyper, funny. But one thing that change, now she is a little bit corpulent. Not being a tiny girl. Haha..
When we met, we talked A LOT! Mostly about her trip from Jakarta to Malang that she said it was really tortured her much. Lol.

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Mengapa Bertanya jika Kau Sudah Tahu Jawabnya?

"Kenapa kamu menyayangiku?" lagi-lagi kalimat tanya kembali terucap dari bibir manisnya.

Aku tak mengerti mengapa dirinya kembali menanyakan hal tersebut kepadaku. Merasa bahwa dirinya tak pantas untuk kucintai.

Mungkin kejadian pagi tadi menjadi penyebab pertanyaannya. Ketika seorang dosen di kelas kami menegurnya dan mengomentari dia dengan perkataan yang pedas di depan teman-teman sekelas. Dirinya merasa tak berguna. Useless.

"Bukannya aku sudah pernah menjawab pertanyaanmu itu? Pastilah kamu tahu jawabannya." jawabku menanggapi pertanyaannya itu untuk yang kesekian kalinya.

"Tapi kamu tahu kan, aku ini seperti apa. Pintar, tidak. Kaya pun tidak. Tapi mengapa kamu tetap menyayangiku?" tanyanya lagi.

"Memang untuk menyayangi seseorang itu harus butuh syarat seperti itu?" balasku bertanya menanggapi pernyataan sekaligus pertanyaannya dengan senyum. Tentang ketidakyakinan cintaku padanya.

"Tidak juga" balasnya singkat dan mulai membandingkan sahabat kami. Ia memiliki kekasih yang kaya dan pintar sehingga dirinya bisa meminta apapun terhadap kekasihnya. "Tidakkah kamu menginginkan kekasih seperti itu?" tanyanya lagi.

Aku hanya tersenyum mendengar penjelasannya yang lucu akan sahabat kami dan pertanyaannya yang terdengar seperti penyerahan akan dirinya yang tak sempurna.

"Kamu mau aku mencari seseorang yang seperti itu?"

"Mana ada orang yang mau di tinggal pacarnya karena orang lain?" tanyanya dengan ekspresi kaget tak percaya mendengarkan pertanyaanku.

Lagi-lagi aku hanya tersenyum...

Aku mengerti, bahwa selama ini, mungkin banyak hal yang membuat dirinya selalu merasa seolah-olah dirinya tidak pantas untukku. Dikala perbedaan kita itu sangat kontras terlihat.

Yah, memang..
Siapa saja bisa melihat perbedaan antara diriku dan dirinya. Aku yang sehari-harinya disibukkan dengan berbagai kegiatan dan dirinya yang tak mau turut campur dalam kegiatan apapun.. Aku terkesan serius dalam berbagai hal terutama terhadap pendidikan, dirinya justru hanya menanggapi santai hal tersebut..
Tapi, bukankah perbedaan itu menyatukan?

Aku tahu dan aku merasa bahwa dirinya merasa diriku ini tidak pantas untuk dirinya. Dan diriku seharusnya bisa mendapat yang lebih dibandingkan dirinya.

"Makadari itu. All I know, I just feel comfort when I'm with you. I feel happy. I love you however your condition. Just love you for who you are. I just PURELY love you." jawabku sekaligus menegaskan perasaanku padanya.

Terdengar puitis, tapi benar-benar itu yang kurasakan pada dirinya. Aku tak pernah mempermasalahkan kekurangannya, karena dia juga tak pernah mempermasalahkan kekuranganku. Aku tahu dia menyayangiku, begitupun aku terhadap dirinya. Hal tersebut terlihat dari seberapa besar pengorbanannya terhadap diriku selama ini.

Setiap orang memiliki kekurangan dan kelebihannya masing-masing, mengapa kita sebagai manusia harus tetap menuntut kesempurnaan jika di depan kita Tuhan sudah memberikan yang terbaik untuk kita saat itu?

Sejujurnya baik diriku maupun dirinya juga begitu tahu bahwa banyak sahabat-sahabat kami yang terheran-heran dan menganggap aneh ketika mengetahui diriku memiliki hubungan dengannya, tapi bagiku, aku tak peduli! Sungguh.
Apakah untuk menyayangi seseorang kita membutuhkan syarat? Tentu tidak!
If you love someone, just love..
Just let it be..
And I just love him..
Sekian dan terima kasih, tanpa perlu harus diganggu gugat.

Tatapannya seketika melembut dan..
"Terima kasih sayang sudah menyayangiku dan menerimaku bagaimanapun keadaanku, sayang Pelangi-ku juga" ucapnya manis sembari menarikku ke dalan pelukannya yang hangat kemudian mencium manis keningku.

Di ruang ini, di tempat ini..
If I could, I just want to stop this moment.

Betapa aku sangat bersyukur memiliki dia yang begitu baik dan pengertian padaku bagaimanapun dirinya.  "Appreciate what you have today". And I do really appreciate to have him now.

I know, either I or him have lots of flaws, but that's why we do try to learn to accept each others's. I love his perfect imperfections. And the most important thing, I love him just the way he is.

Saturday, 5 April 2014

A Little Story about Language

As long as I become a blogger, I have several questions from my friends. But the mostly is about my way to use English rather than my own language as an Indonesian which is Bahasa.
"Don't you proud with using Bahasa (Indonesian language)?" is one of question that I ever received from my friends.

Well guys, the answers about all of your queation is already been answered in my very first post about the introduction about myself. I use english here because I want to practice my enlish skill. We all know that Engliah right now is the International language. The more you know about english, the more thig you can compete in this globalisation era. And it's not about because I'm not proud with using Bahasa.

But still in the other side, this question is realizing me. Why as the good citizen of my country I didn't contribute more towards it? One of it with using your own language? "Cintai produk Indonesia" or "Love Indonesian Product". That's what my government always say. Product here is also containing with Bahasa, I think.

And also, about using Bahasa, Sumpah Pemuda is also said like "Kami putra putri Indonesia menjunjung bahasa persatuan, Bahasa Indonesia" or "We, youth Indonesian citizens hold (in the high esteem) the unity language, Bahasa or Indonesian language". It's clearly said that firstly we as the citizens must use Indonesian language first rather than the other language, it's the meaning of hold (in the high esteem).

So, why not if I use my own language for my other posts? Hehe.. Honestly, I also already have that thoughts since long time ago.

Well guys, Just wait my next post that contain Bahasa in it.
But sometimes I will use it with formal or sometimes with informal way to write it, depends on the situation at that time...

That's all from me.. Thanks so much for reading my other unimportant post about my thoughts about Bahasa or Indonesian language at this time.
Hopefully, this post is useful and can entertain you.
Love your own language ;D

With love,

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

writing Writing and WRITING!!!

I don't know what is actually happen wih myself. But deep inside of my heart, my mind and wherever it is inside of me really wants me to write, write, and write more!!

Whatever kind of writing such as write something in this blog as my diary (fact), or on the twitter like quotes or maybe something more like essay and many more...

I really want to develop my writing skills honestly, and this blog is one of the tools that's really help. Here, I can express my thoughts, what I've been feeling by write it down here.

But still, human is never satisfy of what they actually reached or something that they actually achieved and have. They want more, more and MORE!! I also feel it as a human. I think it's not enough to just write it here. This blog is only my "part time" tool that I use to express and develop my writing skills. But it's nothing if I can't reach something more than that. I want more.

I have a plan. And this plan is already exist since I was in junior high school. I want to write a short story. Short story with me as an author, of course! No co-writer. And I'd love to published it here. Just wait it. Another one, I want to write an opini and I want that it'll be publised in the newspaper. Sounds like my dreams are so high and cliche. But I really mean it...

As the interlude, I ever wrote a story like mini novel or short story for only 50 pages in it, but it's a sign that my teacher gave me and it's become the collection in my senior high school library. I don't know about it right now. Is it still saved or not? Haha..

But really, I feel with writing, I can freely express myself with he words that I wrote rather than speak it. It's an art that really needs inspirations, thinks, and good mood to do it. I must have add the new list to my agenda. "Writing time" ;) . And it's for about 1 hour in the huay day, 3 hours in weekend. It sounds good! Also it's for developing my time management that's really such a mess for this last 3 months.

I really truly madly in love with writing world!!!!! All I want to do now is writing Writing and WRITING MORE!!!

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

April Mob?!?!?!?!

April mob...

It's identic with the date 1st of April... But until now, I still wonderig where's the beginning of that thing has been appeared?

Well, if some of you still wondering what actually April Mob is and what we actually do in that time, let me explain..

So, people (someone that wants to mistreat the other people) in the April Mob always make a scenario to Mistreat people (victims) at that time. Rather it with a good scenario or a bad one. The victims could be their friends, boyfriend, wife, husband, parents, whoever... The suspect would act like something, rather it good or bad, is really happen until the victim's really believe that scenario that the suspect's made. And when they really believe it, the suspect would suddenly said "April Mob" to the victims and at that time the victim would just realized that they had already become a victim of the suspect's mischief. It's fun!!! Of course if you become the suspect not the victims. Lol xD
(P.s : hope you guys understand what I explained, hehe ^_^v)

But until now, I'm still curious about the little fact about the April Mob itself, like.. Why this phenomenon should be celebrated in the first day of April? Is it just a culture that actually appearing? But if it's like that, since when those culture is exist?

All I know is April Mob has really been booming since I was in the first grade of Junior High School until now.

The little thing about April Mob is never been answered, but still just let it like it always supposed to be. That most important thing, I.. You.. We.. Are enjoy it! ;D

APRIIIILLLL MOOOBBBB!!!! *screamoutloud*