Heihooo guys? What's up? How was your weekend? I hope you guys had an awesome one.
Mine was Amazing though, I am a little bit tired now. I went to shop some stuffs for my new place.
Do you know already that I am positively live in Jakarta? Finally, I have a job. So..... in this session, I want to tell you about my journey on having a job.
Firstly, I flew from Manado to Jakarta on September 23 to follow a test that held by Central Bank of Indonesia (the abbreviation is BI from Bank Indonesia). I lived in Tebet, South Jakarta with my relative. The test itself was held on September 25 and a week is the range between its test and its announcement. During that time, I studied about the second test as a preventive action if I pass it. If not, at least I have new knowledge and it was not a disadvantage. The first test was about about Academic Potential Test or in Indonesia is Tes Potensi Akademik. The material is about logical, numeric, like IQ test. I thought it was easy, nonetheless I did not past it. The second test itself was about general knowledge of BI and English (TOEFL).
I did not want to muff my time in Jakarta because it was my one and only opportunity to have a career in Jakarta. Moreover, there are so many job vacancies in Jakarta so I persuaded my parents to let me stay in Jakarta for awhile to reach my dream. In the beginning, they wanted me to back and they were disagree with my desire because their only purpose to let me stay in Jakarta was to follow BI test. I would not give up and I tried to explain and in the end, they agreed! Hooray! ;D Nevertheless, my happiness was not last because a requirement had been existed with their agreement. They only gave me a chance to stay a month to finally find a job. If not, bye bye Jakarta, hello again Manado. Damn!
I moved out and has been lived in my bestie (Amand)'s place in the beginning of this October because Aki and Ba'ai, my relatives that I lived before, had to go back again to Manado. The first two week after moved out, my activities was just wake up, applying some vacancies, studying, waiting news and repeat. I've been used jobstreet and job.id to find a job or emailing the company my resume. One day, I also attended a job fair and I stopped in almost every booth there to apply whatever job vacancies that opened. I followed a test event from the companies in job fair. During this time, I really feel that looking a job is not as easy as I thought, it was an exhausting thing which full with anxiety. No progress at all and I felt really HOPELESS and DOWN. I felt so hopeless because there was no phoned from the companies I applied.
I applied some jobs with my other two friend Amanda and Farah. Anyway, Farah and I were looking for a same job relating with Accounting and Finance stuffs because we both are from in a same major, Accounting. while Amanda are focusing on another. Finally Farah is accepted in a Private Bank and will follow her training in this Monday, CONGRATULATION FARAH!!!! Right after knew that news, I was very happy for her yet I felt so FREAKING DESPERATE because it was me only who did not find it meanwhile Amanda is still looking for a job too but she is not really in to it due to her focus mostly on taking care of her scholarship thingy. Amanda, if you read this, GOOD LUCK, I will support you 'til the end! *pom pom dance*
Finally... After those 2 weeks full of insecurity, I got some calls from some companies like a architecture and TV company and the other one was an accounting firm. I did not attend the interview for architecture company because I felt that it was not passion to work in architecture world. The rest, I attended it. In the end I chose to work in Accounting Firm as Junior Auditor. It is just a local accounting firm, a small one, but I am beyond happy to work there. We will work followed by a training for 1 up to 2 months. Alhamdulillah, All praises due to Allah. Oh yeah, I will tell you the reason why I pick it after this and I also made a plan B anyway, if in case I did not get a job which is I will go back, take an IELTS course while focusing on continuing my degree to the Magister level.
Of course as a JOB HUNTER, I faced many problems like waiting, no phoned and felt desperate as I told you before. For me, after the interview process, a waiting phase was there again. In that time, dilemma came whether if I get hired by the companies or the accounting firm, which one should I choose? I know I was over confident like they both will hire me, but it's okay right to just wonder. Haha.. I did several things and it also become tips for my beloved readers before you applying a job:
- Make sure you decide what profession you want to be involved. Since I was in Senior High School, I want to be an auditor so I decided to apply in some accounting firms (AF) either it is Big 4 AF or not. Due to my major, accounting, I also applied as accounting staff or tax staff position in companies. It really helps me to be more focus and enjoy to do it! That is why someone said that "the most enjoying job is something that you love to do".
- Do background check about the company, because it will help you to understand in terms of what will you deal in it. For example, I apply to be an accounting staff in a manufacturing company where they main focus in animal husbandry which produce milk, beefs, and so on. Generally, my description job would not far from making financial reports like counting income, expenses, equity, assets and liabilities. However specifically, I can imagine my job will be like counting inventory such as cost of goods sold during the producing process since it is still a raw materials til finished goods. Mostly like cost accounting what else the tax and accounts for its journals.
- This quite important and I split this part into 2 points but before it, I want to explain my brain works on it. After I generalize my dream profession and place that I have to work in, I asked to my self, What is my and your purpose to work? I have two answers. Experiences and Salary that would become the points. In case you have different dream job, do a comparison.
- Experience. As a fresh graduate which has no professional work experience, I want to have one. I compare and consider if I work in a company as AS (Accounting Staff) and in accounting firm as Junior Auditor (JA). I collected as many information as I can and the ending result in terms such as for AS, they spent their time in the office, burden for work happen regularly due to their office hours either in peek season or not. Meanwhile JA spent their work time mostly outside their office because they have to do audit in their clients office somehow, burden for work mostly in end year (peek season) due to audit seaso (started in the end of year til the beginning year). I found a blog but unfortunately I forget the link. BIGGEST SORRY! T_T
- Salary. Everyone works because they want to be paid. They want to be financially welfare and independent including me. I found that the salary of AS is higher that JA (in local AF). I do not want to rely on my parents again.
After those tips, I have a colliding of the fact. I mostly want to have as many experiences by being an Auditor. It can improve my accounting skills especially the basic but the salary is not like I expected. I asked my friends, what will they choose if they are in my position. Mostly for my boy friends, they picked salary option but my girl friends are mostly likely into second option. The reasons are different like JA give you a chance to be more professional, while AS, you will only be a staff or if you get a promotion, you will be a Supervisor. Picked AS because it also gives you many lessons in operational ways rather and the company is reputable. And plenty other reasons. My advice, in a dilemma moments, the only thing that can I do is Praying. For moslem, do istikharah pray, InshaaAllah, Allah will lead you, it can be from dream and earnestness through your heart. One day, I dreamed of working in media company.
In conclusion, the choice goes to work as Junior Auditor in a local place. Why why WHY? You said you dreamed of working in a company, maybe it was God's plan to you. It is obvious the salary is higher in a company. Well, the reasons are:
- Of course money things can cause a turmoil. Salary thingy, as my fears between work and salary, I told them everything. I did consultations with them and they said they are okay to still support me financially. Of course not in full support, just half because the other half is from my salary. heheheheee.... I have parents who really concern about education and their dreams. I promise you I will learn a lot. Allah is already arrange our sustenance just keep preserving on what I do.
- I might dream about working in a company and I thought it was an answer from God from my istikharah prays but don't you know that sometimes shaitan can come into your dream and manipulate it. In addition, since the very first time, I've always prayed to God to give me a job where I can learn a lot. Maybe it is the answer. You don't know right that my other dream job beside be an Auditor and having my own accounting firm is become a lecturer. Knowledge and experience are two important things for me. It does not mean that in Company, I did not learn, I will learn to but personally I thought to learn more in AF.
- Accounting Firm hired me first and one of my friends told me, "Do not reject your first offer". After all, I am not receive the information from the companies yet. So, I want to make things clearer by accepting to work in a small AF. I won't deny that I also put my hope to work in a big company but instead of thinking what expected, the most important thing, I work in a halal ways. Simple way to be happy is thankful for whatever we have. And of course, I do not want to back Manado too!
All in all, human faces different story on finding their own destiny. Some of them are rough, complicated and some of them are easy. I passed my bittersweet moments as a job hunter. Deadline and never ending supports are my spirits. Pray is my appeasement. Failure is my foods and poison that can energize or kill me just in terms on how I taste it. Whatever it is, I always involve my Parents, God and my friends thoughts into my decisions. This time, Job hunter destiny is end and A "Success" Hunter destiny is just started. I hope you guys a lot of fortunes on what you've tried. Dream, believe and make it happen. Mwaaahhhh :*
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