Beberapa hari yang lalu,Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Mendikbud) Mohammad Nuh mengatakan untuk melakukan penambahan jam belajar di setiap jenjang, yakni sebanyak tiga sampai dengan enam jam untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar, Sekolah Menengah Pertama, Sekolah Menengah Atas hingga Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan.
Tentunya hal ini menimbulkan banyak Pro dan Kontra dari berbagai lapisan masyarakat, termasuk saya yang akan saya tuangkan dalam blog sederhana ini.
Seperti yang kita ketahui, Mendikbud menambahkan 4-6 jam sepekan untuk para siswa-siswinya untuk belajar. Beliau mencontohkan, pada kelas satu sampai dengan tiga SD, jumlah jam belajar yang ditambah adalah empat jam pelajaran. Sehingga secara keseluruhan, peserta didik yang awalnya mendapat 26 jam pelajaran setiap minggu maka akan bertambah menjadi 30 jam. Penambahan empat jam belajar ini bukan berarti diberlakukan untuk empat jam dalam satu hari. Tapi, enam jam dibagi ke dalam lima atau enam hari masuk sekolah, dengan lama belajar untuk setiap jam belajar sebanyak 45 menit. “Jadi, empat jam itu untuk empat jam pelajaran, bukan empat jam dikalikan 60 menit,” ucapnya. Pada penambahan jam belajar yang lebih panjang, Menteri Nuh menjelaskan kelas empat sampai dengan enam SD akan mendapatkan penambahan jam belajar sebanyak enam jam. Sehingga, peserta didik kelas tersebut akan belajar selama 34 jam seminggu, dari 28 jam pelajaran sebelumnya. “Ketika ditambahkan, penambahan enam jam itu diecer dalam lima hari, dengan lama belajar untuk setiap jam adalah 45 menit,” jelasnya.
Nah, dari hal tersebut, banyak siswa-siswi yang sudah merasa terbebani dengan adanya peraturan tersebut. Mulai dari akan lebih padatnya jadwal sehingga mereka tidak dapat memiliki waktu beristirahat atau dalam melakukan berbagai aktivitas lainnua di luar jam sekolah, seperti bermain, les, dsb. Akan tetapi, kita disini harus memperhatikan alasan dibalik diterapkannya hal tersebut.
Indonesia sebagai negara yang memiliki populasi penduduk terbanyak di dunia harus memanfaatkan segala potensi yang ada. Terlebih lagi dengan potensi anak-anaknya harus dimanfaatkan dengan baik. Banyak anak Indonesia yanh pintar dan cerdas, tetapi hal-hal tersebut tidak dimaksimalkan. Misalnya saja mereka kurang dalam hal belajar. Belajar hanya dilakukan di sekolah saja dan hal ini memang banyak terjadi pada status quo yang ada. Sungguh sangat disayangkan!
Saya rasa kebijakan yang dicananangkan Bapak Menteri justru sangat membantu putra-putri Indonesia untuk lebih giat belajar dan dapat memanfaatkan setiap waktu mereka dengan lebih bermanfaat dengan aturan ini. Memaksimalkan kemampuan dan skill para siswa-siswi dengan menambah jam belajar atau dengan ektrakurikuker yang bisa mereka ikuti selama di sekolah. Hal ini tentunya dengn melihat sekolah-sekolah yang ada di luar negeri atau yang terdekat adalah sekolah-sekolah Internasional di Indonesia yang menerapkan waktu jam belajar yang lebih banyak dari biasanya. Dan bisa dilihat hasil yang cukup maksimal dari penerapan kebijakan tersebut.
Tentunya semua hal tersebut akan berjalan lancar dengan bantuan dan dedikasi para pendidik yang terus berperan aktif dalam memaksimalkan waktu tersebut. Maka dari itu, para pendidik disininya harus memiliki kemampuan yang profesional dalam mendidik para siswa-siswinya yang kelak akan menjadi penerus bangsa.
Maju terus buat generasi penerus bangsa! Rajin belajar dan sukses mengikuti kita..
Sunday, 17 August 2014
Friday, 8 August 2014
Failure.. Take the lesson, don't give up, ready for another chance!
Hello fellas.. ^_^
In this post, I wanna share another experience of mine. Yesterday, I followed a test to get a scholarship by one of the biggest foundation in Indonesia. It was really a pride to pass the selection before to be there. I also happy for my friends which was also joined those selection.
So we had some tests about Academic Potential Test, and Personality Test. That wasn't a first time I joined it, but as usual, I was nervous to do that again after 3 years I've never did it again. So.... Well, I won't mentioned you the whole process. APTis like they give you a book with questions in it which is divided into several tests, about logic, etc. They give you time to make each test. Personality Test like you have to draw a tree and a person and describe it. So easy right? But I admit that I'm not good at drawing. Ahaha..
It's an easy test. But unfortunately, I didn't pass to the next round. Hehee... From 1005 students who followed that test, only 125 who goes to next round. Congrats for them.
But for me, it doesn't matter if I don't pass yo the next round. The most important thing, I did this test, I got the experience. I'd rather be failure in the test rather than never try to do it. I would just dying in a curiosity.. And I'm not regret with my decision to flight from my hometown to Surabaya and Surabaya-Malang. 1761,5 km to joined that. But I feel guilty towards my parents. Sorry for always burden you. But I promise that I will pay you sacrifices to me one day. Not all of them, I swear I can't do it and will never can't do it, but I promise to be success and makes you happy. It's a simple dream that I hope to be true.
Back to the story. At the first time you failed, it'll hurt you. But if you feel that oftenly, it won't hurt you anymore. A failure is just a common thing that you have to pass. Do not see from the bad side but from the postivie side. For me, the positive side of a failure is you can take the experience from it, a precious lesson like this is not the end of your efforts to grab your dreams. Yet, this is the new beginning for me to not giving up because of this. Show them that you are ready for another chance and you can get it. The most important thing is do every single thing with the best of you and give the rest based on God's scenario for your life.
God don't give you what you want but what's the best for you. Even if you want it so badly, it's not a guarantee that it's good for you. Do your best and let God's do the rest. Be reliever. Life is too beautiful to be sad so.
Take the lesson, don't give up, ready for another chance, and be happy guys! Cheers :D
Hopefully this little trash story of mine, about my experience, my feelings, my thoughts, can bring a benefit for you. Have a nice day!! ^_^
Keep Smile :D :)
With Love,
In this post, I wanna share another experience of mine. Yesterday, I followed a test to get a scholarship by one of the biggest foundation in Indonesia. It was really a pride to pass the selection before to be there. I also happy for my friends which was also joined those selection.
So we had some tests about Academic Potential Test, and Personality Test. That wasn't a first time I joined it, but as usual, I was nervous to do that again after 3 years I've never did it again. So.... Well, I won't mentioned you the whole process. APTis like they give you a book with questions in it which is divided into several tests, about logic, etc. They give you time to make each test. Personality Test like you have to draw a tree and a person and describe it. So easy right? But I admit that I'm not good at drawing. Ahaha..
It's an easy test. But unfortunately, I didn't pass to the next round. Hehee... From 1005 students who followed that test, only 125 who goes to next round. Congrats for them.
But for me, it doesn't matter if I don't pass yo the next round. The most important thing, I did this test, I got the experience. I'd rather be failure in the test rather than never try to do it. I would just dying in a curiosity.. And I'm not regret with my decision to flight from my hometown to Surabaya and Surabaya-Malang. 1761,5 km to joined that. But I feel guilty towards my parents. Sorry for always burden you. But I promise that I will pay you sacrifices to me one day. Not all of them, I swear I can't do it and will never can't do it, but I promise to be success and makes you happy. It's a simple dream that I hope to be true.
Back to the story. At the first time you failed, it'll hurt you. But if you feel that oftenly, it won't hurt you anymore. A failure is just a common thing that you have to pass. Do not see from the bad side but from the postivie side. For me, the positive side of a failure is you can take the experience from it, a precious lesson like this is not the end of your efforts to grab your dreams. Yet, this is the new beginning for me to not giving up because of this. Show them that you are ready for another chance and you can get it. The most important thing is do every single thing with the best of you and give the rest based on God's scenario for your life.
God don't give you what you want but what's the best for you. Even if you want it so badly, it's not a guarantee that it's good for you. Do your best and let God's do the rest. Be reliever. Life is too beautiful to be sad so.
Take the lesson, don't give up, ready for another chance, and be happy guys! Cheers :D
Hopefully this little trash story of mine, about my experience, my feelings, my thoughts, can bring a benefit for you. Have a nice day!! ^_^
Keep Smile :D :)
With Love,
Saturday, 2 August 2014
It's Better To Say 'Happy Eid Mubarak' Late Than Never
Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb..
Hello fellas..
It's been 5 days after Eid Mubarak. So, How's your Eid Mubarak? How's your holiday?
Mine, it was really fun. I spent my Eid Mubarak with my big family. I went back to Kotamobagu to celebrate it. And of course to celebrate my holiday there too. Collecting with family was so incredible. The happiest moment ever!
Of course, it's an annual thing to have new clothes, new shoes, and other brand new things right? But, forget all of the new stuffs we had, it's all not a matter at all. The more important thing is we have a brand new page in our live. As a new person, which must to be better than before. After did fasting for a month which gave us lots of lessons. Not just hold our emotion up, but also to practiced us to be more patience, strengthen our ibadah (pray) to God. To not forget God which already gave us lots of mercy and blessigs. We still had a family to rely on, foods to fulfilled our needs after fasting and many more. So by celebrating Eid Mubarak, we hope a ridho from Allah SWT.
And It's also really a great opportunity that's been given from God to unite again. Because as a big family which already have our own business in life, we separated each other and by this annual event for Moslem, we could meet up each other. Still had a chance to appologize to them for all of our mistakes, because we don't know if in the next Ramadhan we could to that again or not. Because ajjal is a God's biggest secret that we won't ever know.
So before I can't say this, I want to say Happy Eid Mubarak 1435 H, Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin. I'm sorry if I've done lots of mistakes intentionally or not which hurt you. I know it's late already from the D-day to say that, but it's better late than never right? And thank you so much for already give your time to read this posts. Happy Eid Mubarak and happy holiday.
Let's we celebrate the rest of it with lots of joyful and happiness.
This is my Eid Mubarak moments. Yours??
Hello fellas..
It's been 5 days after Eid Mubarak. So, How's your Eid Mubarak? How's your holiday?
Mine, it was really fun. I spent my Eid Mubarak with my big family. I went back to Kotamobagu to celebrate it. And of course to celebrate my holiday there too. Collecting with family was so incredible. The happiest moment ever!
Of course, it's an annual thing to have new clothes, new shoes, and other brand new things right? But, forget all of the new stuffs we had, it's all not a matter at all. The more important thing is we have a brand new page in our live. As a new person, which must to be better than before. After did fasting for a month which gave us lots of lessons. Not just hold our emotion up, but also to practiced us to be more patience, strengthen our ibadah (pray) to God. To not forget God which already gave us lots of mercy and blessigs. We still had a family to rely on, foods to fulfilled our needs after fasting and many more. So by celebrating Eid Mubarak, we hope a ridho from Allah SWT.
And It's also really a great opportunity that's been given from God to unite again. Because as a big family which already have our own business in life, we separated each other and by this annual event for Moslem, we could meet up each other. Still had a chance to appologize to them for all of our mistakes, because we don't know if in the next Ramadhan we could to that again or not. Because ajjal is a God's biggest secret that we won't ever know.
So before I can't say this, I want to say Happy Eid Mubarak 1435 H, Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin. I'm sorry if I've done lots of mistakes intentionally or not which hurt you. I know it's late already from the D-day to say that, but it's better late than never right? And thank you so much for already give your time to read this posts. Happy Eid Mubarak and happy holiday.
Let's we celebrate the rest of it with lots of joyful and happiness.
This is my Eid Mubarak moments. Yours??
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Mom, Putra (My little brother), Me, and Daddy. P.S : Minus my bigger sister ✌ |
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My auntie, my cousin and her son (my nephew), my big sister, Me and my little cousin (my auntie's daughter), my mom. |
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Kak Ira, Kakak, Mommy, Me and Auntie Eting |
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Sometimes beauty selfie is too ordinary and boring.. |
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Me, Kak Rima and Kakak. |
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Kakak and I |
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Selfie alone ✌ |
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