Paralayang is a tourism place in
Batu City, East Java but many people think that it is in Malang City. No!
A little bit history, Batu City used to be a part of Malang City, but now they’ve been separated since October 17, 2001. Skip, it's not a history class. Hehehe..
I spent my holiday in Paralayang with the my 3 friends that I know in different occasion. A classmate, from a campus organization, and from an campus activity. *apasih??* haha.. Prepare, this is a LOOOOONNGGG STORY that I want to share..
A little bit history, Batu City used to be a part of Malang City, but now they’ve been separated since October 17, 2001. Skip, it's not a history class. Hehehe..
I spent my holiday in Paralayang with the my 3 friends that I know in different occasion. A classmate, from a campus organization, and from an campus activity. *apasih??* haha.. Prepare, this is a LOOOOONNGGG STORY that I want to share..