Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Malang: Loe Mien Toe Cafe

Thursday Morning around 10am.

I visited this place for the first time since my entire life, even when I used to live in Malang. Well, this cafe is quite famous because of the concept they serve. I've known this place from websites and some instagram posts. Well, I have to say that Loe Mien Toe is a very cozy to especially for spending your time!

Friday, 18 August 2017

Cita-cita 72 Tahun Indonesia Merdeka!

Yang pertama, saya sebagai warga negara ingin kembali mengucapkan Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia yang ke 72.

Tepatnya 17 Agustus 1945, hari di mana Indonesia bebas, merdeka dari penjajahan. Negara dan rakyatnya telah tidak terkungkung dari jeratan kesengsaraan.  Secara kasat mata memang hal itulah yang terjadi, namun masih banyak problematika yang terjadi setelah 72 tahun Indonesia merdeka. Kompleksitas permasalahan dari berbagai segi baik politik, sosial, ekonomi dan lainnya masih menggaung memekakkan telinga masyarakatnya, meneriakkan rintihan meminta pertolongan bagi masyarakatnya.

Monday, 7 August 2017

Fate #2

In the middle of the phone in July...

Another story is revealed. There is girl who tried very hard to reach her goal. She conveyed the whole process and her ambition to reach . Even though many processes did not go according to her plans but she was still eager to follow a series of other processes. One door close, there are still many other doors to be opened, that's what she believed. Her first priority is to win a scholarship to school abroad.

Fate #1

Weekend in the middle of July.
I called my best friend whom I already consider as my big sister. As usual, we talked a lot about everything as we usually did. Well, I have to admit that generally, our conversations were led to FATE. I was so happy to hear her fruitful news, about someone proposed her. Well, she had been doing ta'aruf as Muslim's law while doing a relationship. After lots of life trials she went through, finally it comes to a sweet ending. It is Fate. Destiny. Or whatever you call it to describe something that belongs to you. About this first version of fate, let me tell you the whole story. A bittersweet love story of my friend...