Dear you..
My unblood sister...
Let me write our memories here.
Firstly we met in a same program. A lady who wore a white blouse and simple skirt raised her hand. Her face could not hide her curiosity on something and with confidence asking about the program. Since the time you spoke, I knew, she is a smart and confident girl. It was my first impression. Then, there was a plotting time, those girl was in a same group like me and unpredictably, by the time pass, we spent our time together and it was like a "click" sound between us. I commit to call you my dearest sister from another sister.
A beautiful smart-ass lady, confident, multi-talented and an obedient muslim (that's what I adore about you the most), you shared your bittersweet stories. People was trying to make you down, you stand still, and keep 'ikhlas' while also proliferating yourself to be a better lady. Once an unskilled chef and now have a pudding business (lol), from a lady who did not know how to applying make up and now a master. A lifetime learner and also a teacher to her students mirroring her capabilities.
I remember how much you love to do shopping, stopped and ate Japanese or Western foods. Pecooooooo, our favorite sushi! Lasagna and cheesecake in Dreams! Or simply cakes we loved to buy in breadstory, especially red velvet and cheesecake for sure! My partner in shopping and eating, now she will do it with her husband.
In spite of our sweet memories, behind this screen I want to tell you how my feeling full with excitement for your special day.
I know right now you might feel disappointed cause you might think I forget about your special day, yet I did not have any intention to do so. I am so sorry with a miss communication happened, but there was no a single day I forget about it. I always told my friend how my dearest ukhti already found her prince charming, whom I know is really tender and care to my sister. How I love my ukhti has been pampered with love cause of this man.
Dear my unblood sister..
Yesterday, that girl with white blouse already wear her daydream gown. You look very beautiful in white gown. My ukhti barbie fullaaaa.. MashaaAllah T_T (suddenly eyes got wetter.. #cengengmodeon #gettingemotional)
I am very sorry I could not attend your special day cause one and another reasons. Although we're not meet each other, InshaaAllah my prayers here are always with you, for your happiness with your husband and family you build together. I love you beyond words! I hope you know that.. If in this world we could not meet anymore, I hope Allah will let we meet in His jannah T_T #AaminYaaAllah
I am so happy and proud to know one of the amazing lady like you. Seeing you happy is my happiness.
For our forever friendship.
Where it all begins: Learning Express, March 2015
Then we get closer through this programme: Sakura Science, September 2015
Our first picture after we arrived in Japan. She was there next to me. |
These photos were taken before take off. |
Touchdown Singapore. With ukhti and Kampret! |
Even in bathroom, we did not left our photo session XD |
Clearly remember, we arrived in Kanazawa, we supposed to sleep yet we resisted our drowsiness
cause we were too excited to see the scenery! Kulu-kulu face after a day trip! |
First activity dat after arrived, nearby KIT :') |
Happy ukhtiiiii <3 |
In KIT yard. Love this photo |
Grocery shopping! <3 |
Silly things we did! :') |
In our homestay before we went to campus. |
In Class.. Ledom alaaa alaaa xD |
Autumn breeze. |
Bergayaaaa.. Everywhere everytime jeprat-jepret xD |
My sholeha ukhtiiiii <3 <3 <3 |
Making the tool time.. |
Played expression: bored |
Played expression: Happy |
I had no idea, why we laugh in this picture xD |
After mall-ing. wkwkwk |
Waiting for our soulmate! lol |
Laundry timeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..... |
What we did while waiting our laundry xD
Her in Yukata <3 |
Last presentation! |
After farewell party. |
Ukhti andalan gue! ;) |
When in Tokyo Museum <3 |
"Potong bebek angsaaa,, masak di kualiiiii" moment in Shibuya xD |
For Umi and Aji :') <3 <3 <3 |
You always love children |
Pure love, I know you'll be a good mother to your children. |
Nongki beauty after Japan. |
You've always be my ukhti and friend and family forever!
I love you so much. Aishiteru xoxo |
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