Friday, 17 October 2014

Sounds of Nature

Nature is calling me..
I can't deny it
It's my passion, my advenure
My world..
The fresh air, the scenery, the colour..
All overwhelm me with the beautiness till I blind
Couldn't ask more for this God's greatest creation
So, which of the favours of Your Lord will you deny?

Someone, take me there!
I need to visit them..
They always call me..
But now then because of they cry
Cry of they're ravaged
It's not what they want
To make them cry is not our work.

Sounds of nature..
Do you hear it?
Which one?
The happiness?
Or the sadness????

Kondang Merak. East Java. South Malang.
September, 13th 2014

Bromo Mountain. East Java.
September, 10th 2014.

Dust Diva in Bromo.

Giving peace to the nature!

You can feel it!

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Opini tentang Penambahan Jam Belajar Kurikulum 2014 oleh Menteri Pendidikan

Beberapa hari yang lalu,Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Mendikbud) Mohammad Nuh mengatakan untuk melakukan penambahan jam belajar di setiap jenjang, yakni sebanyak tiga sampai dengan enam jam untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar, Sekolah Menengah Pertama, Sekolah Menengah Atas hingga Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan.

Tentunya hal ini menimbulkan banyak Pro dan Kontra dari berbagai lapisan masyarakat, termasuk saya yang akan saya tuangkan dalam blog sederhana ini.

Seperti yang kita ketahui, Mendikbud menambahkan 4-6 jam sepekan untuk para siswa-siswinya untuk belajar. Beliau mencontohkan, pada kelas satu sampai dengan tiga SD, jumlah jam belajar yang ditambah adalah empat jam pelajaran. Sehingga secara keseluruhan, peserta didik yang awalnya mendapat 26 jam pelajaran setiap minggu maka akan bertambah menjadi 30 jam. Penambahan empat jam belajar ini bukan berarti diberlakukan untuk empat jam dalam satu hari. Tapi, enam jam dibagi ke dalam lima atau enam hari masuk sekolah, dengan lama belajar untuk setiap jam belajar sebanyak 45 menit. “Jadi, empat jam itu untuk empat jam pelajaran, bukan empat jam dikalikan 60 menit,” ucapnya. Pada penambahan jam belajar yang lebih panjang, Menteri Nuh menjelaskan kelas empat sampai dengan enam SD akan mendapatkan penambahan jam belajar sebanyak enam jam. Sehingga, peserta didik kelas tersebut akan belajar selama 34 jam seminggu, dari 28 jam pelajaran sebelumnya. “Ketika ditambahkan, penambahan enam jam itu diecer dalam lima hari, dengan lama belajar untuk setiap jam adalah 45 menit,” jelasnya.

Nah, dari hal tersebut, banyak siswa-siswi yang sudah merasa terbebani dengan adanya peraturan tersebut. Mulai dari akan lebih padatnya jadwal sehingga mereka tidak dapat memiliki waktu beristirahat atau dalam melakukan berbagai aktivitas lainnua di luar jam sekolah, seperti bermain, les, dsb. Akan tetapi, kita disini harus memperhatikan alasan dibalik diterapkannya hal tersebut.

Indonesia sebagai negara yang memiliki populasi penduduk terbanyak di dunia harus memanfaatkan segala potensi yang ada. Terlebih lagi dengan potensi anak-anaknya harus dimanfaatkan dengan baik. Banyak anak Indonesia yanh pintar dan cerdas, tetapi hal-hal tersebut tidak dimaksimalkan. Misalnya saja mereka kurang dalam hal belajar. Belajar hanya dilakukan di sekolah saja dan hal ini memang banyak terjadi pada status quo yang ada. Sungguh sangat disayangkan!

Saya rasa kebijakan yang dicananangkan Bapak Menteri justru sangat membantu putra-putri Indonesia untuk lebih giat belajar dan dapat memanfaatkan setiap waktu mereka dengan lebih bermanfaat dengan aturan ini. Memaksimalkan kemampuan dan skill para siswa-siswi dengan menambah jam belajar atau dengan ektrakurikuker yang bisa mereka ikuti selama di sekolah. Hal ini tentunya dengn melihat sekolah-sekolah yang ada di luar negeri atau yang terdekat adalah sekolah-sekolah Internasional di Indonesia yang menerapkan waktu jam belajar yang lebih banyak dari biasanya. Dan bisa dilihat hasil yang cukup maksimal dari penerapan kebijakan tersebut.

Tentunya semua hal tersebut akan berjalan lancar dengan bantuan dan dedikasi para pendidik yang terus berperan aktif dalam memaksimalkan waktu tersebut. Maka dari itu, para pendidik disininya harus memiliki kemampuan yang profesional dalam mendidik para siswa-siswinya yang kelak akan menjadi penerus bangsa.

Maju terus buat generasi penerus bangsa! Rajin belajar dan sukses mengikuti kita..

Friday, 8 August 2014

Failure.. Take the lesson, don't give up, ready for another chance!

Hello fellas.. ^_^

In this post, I wanna share another experience of mine. Yesterday, I followed a test to get a scholarship by one of the biggest foundation in Indonesia. It was really a pride to pass the selection before to be there. I also happy for my friends which was also joined those selection.

So we had some tests about Academic Potential Test, and Personality Test. That wasn't a first time I joined it, but as usual, I was nervous to do that again after 3 years I've never did it again. So.... Well, I won't mentioned you the whole process. APTis like they give you a book with questions in it which is divided into several tests, about logic, etc. They give you time to make each test. Personality Test like you have to draw a tree and a person and describe it. So easy right? But I admit that I'm not good at drawing. Ahaha..

It's an easy test. But unfortunately, I didn't pass to the next round. Hehee... From 1005 students who followed that test, only 125 who goes to next round. Congrats for them.

But for me, it doesn't matter if I don't pass yo the next round. The most important thing, I did this test, I got the experience. I'd rather be failure in the test rather than never try to do it. I would just dying in a curiosity.. And I'm not regret with my decision to flight from my hometown to Surabaya and Surabaya-Malang. 1761,5 km to joined that. But I feel guilty towards my parents. Sorry for always burden you. But I promise that I will pay you sacrifices to me one day. Not all of them, I swear I can't do it and will never can't do it, but I promise to be success and makes you happy. It's a simple dream that I hope to be true.

Back to the story. At the first time you failed, it'll hurt you. But if you feel that oftenly, it won't hurt you anymore. A failure is just a common thing that you have to pass. Do not see from the bad side but from the postivie side. For me, the positive side of a failure is you can take the experience from it, a precious lesson like this is not the end of your efforts to grab your dreams. Yet, this is the new beginning for me to not giving up because of this. Show them that you are ready for another chance and you can get it. The most important thing is do every single thing with the best of you and give the rest based on God's scenario for your life.

God don't give you what you want but what's the best for you. Even if you want it so badly, it's not a guarantee that it's good for you. Do your best and let God's do the rest. Be reliever. Life is too beautiful to be sad so.

Take the lesson, don't give up, ready for another chance, and be happy guys! Cheers :D

Hopefully this little trash story of mine, about my experience, my feelings, my thoughts, can bring a benefit for you. Have a nice day!! ^_^

Keep Smile :D :)

With Love,

Saturday, 2 August 2014

It's Better To Say 'Happy Eid Mubarak' Late Than Never

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb..

Hello fellas..

It's been 5 days after Eid Mubarak. So, How's your Eid Mubarak? How's your holiday?

Mine, it was really fun. I spent my Eid Mubarak with my big family. I went back to Kotamobagu to celebrate it. And of course to celebrate my holiday there too. Collecting with family was so incredible. The happiest moment ever!

Of course, it's an annual thing to have new clothes, new shoes, and other brand new things right? But, forget all of the new stuffs we had, it's all not a matter at all. The more important thing is we have a brand new page in our live. As a new person, which must to be better than before. After did fasting for a month which gave us lots of lessons. Not just hold our emotion up, but also to practiced us to be more patience, strengthen our ibadah (pray) to God. To not forget God which already gave us lots of mercy and blessigs. We still had a family to rely on, foods to fulfilled our needs after fasting and many more. So by celebrating Eid Mubarak, we hope a ridho from Allah SWT.

And It's also really a great opportunity that's been given from God to unite again. Because as a big family which already have our own business in life, we separated each other and by this annual event for Moslem, we could meet up each other. Still had a chance to appologize to them for all of our mistakes, because we don't know if in the next Ramadhan we could to that again or not. Because ajjal is a God's biggest secret that we won't ever know.

So before I can't say this, I want to say Happy Eid Mubarak 1435 H, Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin. I'm sorry if I've done lots of mistakes intentionally or not which hurt you. I know it's late already from the D-day to say that, but it's better late than never right? And thank you so much for already give your time to read this posts. Happy Eid Mubarak and happy holiday.
Let's we celebrate the rest of it with lots of joyful and happiness.

This is my Eid Mubarak moments. Yours??
Mom, Putra (My little brother), Me, and Daddy.
P.S : Minus my bigger sister ✌

My auntie, my cousin and her son (my nephew), my big sister,
Me and my little cousin (my auntie's daughter), my mom.

Kak Ira, Kakak, Mommy, Me and Auntie Eting
Sometimes beauty selfie is too ordinary and boring..

Me, Kak Rima and Kakak.

Kakak and I

Selfie alone ✌

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Tears of Gaza


This last 5 days, my family in Gaza is suffering the cruelity of Israel.

This make me sad how most of civilians there are becoming the victims especially children and women. Where's the feeling of humanity of Israel?
If the reason behind they're doing it because the Palestinian were kidnapped three of Israel's children, it's so funny why the military there, brutality attack almost all the citizens in Palestine? Why they don't just punish the people which were did it? How it's become the reason of Israel to attack Gaza? It's totally non-sense.

This actually a genocide. Huge genocide problem. We're here not talking about the religion, but the tears of Gaza is already become the tears of the world.

I really love children. Why they become the main victims here? Is it become almost 3500 children there are already become Hafiz Quran so they killed them? Is it become the anxiety of Zionist power in Israel so they killed and will kill those innocent children? Or is it another reason behind Israel doing it towards children?

Friday, 30 May 2014

English Fiesta 2014

Hello Guys..

I really thanked that actually I could write this post after blahh.. blahh.. blahhh.. *reasons*

Well, now I want to write the most exciting thing of mine ever!
English Fiesta!!!!
This is actually the annual national debate competition that held by a student unit activity in my campus, ILF (International Language Forum), in the purpose to celebrate the birthday of ILF and collecting all of the debaters to show their ability in debate by joining a competition.
And this is the 12th English Fiesta and we held it in three day, 16-18th of May 2014.

Why I said this is so exciting for me????

Monday, 26 May 2014

UMM FM Rector Cup

I started this first post in May with my new experience and story about UMM FM Rector Cup..

My campus actually always do the annual event called Rector Cup, and all of the students activity unit must do their own event for this annual event..
It's include the student's activity UMM FM which is concentrate in the public relation activities like radio announcer and MC..

They also held their Rector Cup at 10th-11th of May 2014. They opened the competition auch as MC formal, MC non-formal, Radio Announcer, and Stand Up Comedy. This event should be followed by every faculty and each faculty have to delegate 2 of their students to joined this competition.

We have 12 faculties in my campus. So it means that, every single competition have 24 contestants to follow one competition. I became the delegate from my faculty to followed the Radio Announcer Competition. Well, why I joined those competition? Here's the reason....

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

A little reunion..

What will you do if you meet your old friend? Screaming out loud? Being hyper? Lol xD

I just met my old friend. Actually she's not. She is still my friend until now. We've been friend since we're child. Also, she is my neighbor in my hometown. So, you'll know how close we are and what will actually happen if we're meet each other.

Well, let me introduce. My friend's name is Amanda Hillary Husain. But you can call her Amanda. I was really happy to meet her in last friday at April 18, 2014. She was came to Malang for a competition with her friends.

We never meet for almost a year. Because, she was actually lived in Jakarta for study purpose and I live in Malang for the same reason. We just meet up when we have a holiday and back to Manado.

As usual, when we met, Amanda is still the same. Talkative, hyper, funny. But one thing that change, now she is a little bit corpulent. Not being a tiny girl. Haha..
When we met, we talked A LOT! Mostly about her trip from Jakarta to Malang that she said it was really tortured her much. Lol.

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Mengapa Bertanya jika Kau Sudah Tahu Jawabnya?

"Kenapa kamu menyayangiku?" lagi-lagi kalimat tanya kembali terucap dari bibir manisnya.

Aku tak mengerti mengapa dirinya kembali menanyakan hal tersebut kepadaku. Merasa bahwa dirinya tak pantas untuk kucintai.

Mungkin kejadian pagi tadi menjadi penyebab pertanyaannya. Ketika seorang dosen di kelas kami menegurnya dan mengomentari dia dengan perkataan yang pedas di depan teman-teman sekelas. Dirinya merasa tak berguna. Useless.

"Bukannya aku sudah pernah menjawab pertanyaanmu itu? Pastilah kamu tahu jawabannya." jawabku menanggapi pertanyaannya itu untuk yang kesekian kalinya.

"Tapi kamu tahu kan, aku ini seperti apa. Pintar, tidak. Kaya pun tidak. Tapi mengapa kamu tetap menyayangiku?" tanyanya lagi.

"Memang untuk menyayangi seseorang itu harus butuh syarat seperti itu?" balasku bertanya menanggapi pernyataan sekaligus pertanyaannya dengan senyum. Tentang ketidakyakinan cintaku padanya.

"Tidak juga" balasnya singkat dan mulai membandingkan sahabat kami. Ia memiliki kekasih yang kaya dan pintar sehingga dirinya bisa meminta apapun terhadap kekasihnya. "Tidakkah kamu menginginkan kekasih seperti itu?" tanyanya lagi.

Aku hanya tersenyum mendengar penjelasannya yang lucu akan sahabat kami dan pertanyaannya yang terdengar seperti penyerahan akan dirinya yang tak sempurna.

"Kamu mau aku mencari seseorang yang seperti itu?"

"Mana ada orang yang mau di tinggal pacarnya karena orang lain?" tanyanya dengan ekspresi kaget tak percaya mendengarkan pertanyaanku.

Lagi-lagi aku hanya tersenyum...

Aku mengerti, bahwa selama ini, mungkin banyak hal yang membuat dirinya selalu merasa seolah-olah dirinya tidak pantas untukku. Dikala perbedaan kita itu sangat kontras terlihat.

Yah, memang..
Siapa saja bisa melihat perbedaan antara diriku dan dirinya. Aku yang sehari-harinya disibukkan dengan berbagai kegiatan dan dirinya yang tak mau turut campur dalam kegiatan apapun.. Aku terkesan serius dalam berbagai hal terutama terhadap pendidikan, dirinya justru hanya menanggapi santai hal tersebut..
Tapi, bukankah perbedaan itu menyatukan?

Aku tahu dan aku merasa bahwa dirinya merasa diriku ini tidak pantas untuk dirinya. Dan diriku seharusnya bisa mendapat yang lebih dibandingkan dirinya.

"Makadari itu. All I know, I just feel comfort when I'm with you. I feel happy. I love you however your condition. Just love you for who you are. I just PURELY love you." jawabku sekaligus menegaskan perasaanku padanya.

Terdengar puitis, tapi benar-benar itu yang kurasakan pada dirinya. Aku tak pernah mempermasalahkan kekurangannya, karena dia juga tak pernah mempermasalahkan kekuranganku. Aku tahu dia menyayangiku, begitupun aku terhadap dirinya. Hal tersebut terlihat dari seberapa besar pengorbanannya terhadap diriku selama ini.

Setiap orang memiliki kekurangan dan kelebihannya masing-masing, mengapa kita sebagai manusia harus tetap menuntut kesempurnaan jika di depan kita Tuhan sudah memberikan yang terbaik untuk kita saat itu?

Sejujurnya baik diriku maupun dirinya juga begitu tahu bahwa banyak sahabat-sahabat kami yang terheran-heran dan menganggap aneh ketika mengetahui diriku memiliki hubungan dengannya, tapi bagiku, aku tak peduli! Sungguh.
Apakah untuk menyayangi seseorang kita membutuhkan syarat? Tentu tidak!
If you love someone, just love..
Just let it be..
And I just love him..
Sekian dan terima kasih, tanpa perlu harus diganggu gugat.

Tatapannya seketika melembut dan..
"Terima kasih sayang sudah menyayangiku dan menerimaku bagaimanapun keadaanku, sayang Pelangi-ku juga" ucapnya manis sembari menarikku ke dalan pelukannya yang hangat kemudian mencium manis keningku.

Di ruang ini, di tempat ini..
If I could, I just want to stop this moment.

Betapa aku sangat bersyukur memiliki dia yang begitu baik dan pengertian padaku bagaimanapun dirinya.  "Appreciate what you have today". And I do really appreciate to have him now.

I know, either I or him have lots of flaws, but that's why we do try to learn to accept each others's. I love his perfect imperfections. And the most important thing, I love him just the way he is.

Saturday, 5 April 2014

A Little Story about Language

As long as I become a blogger, I have several questions from my friends. But the mostly is about my way to use English rather than my own language as an Indonesian which is Bahasa.
"Don't you proud with using Bahasa (Indonesian language)?" is one of question that I ever received from my friends.

Well guys, the answers about all of your queation is already been answered in my very first post about the introduction about myself. I use english here because I want to practice my enlish skill. We all know that Engliah right now is the International language. The more you know about english, the more thig you can compete in this globalisation era. And it's not about because I'm not proud with using Bahasa.

But still in the other side, this question is realizing me. Why as the good citizen of my country I didn't contribute more towards it? One of it with using your own language? "Cintai produk Indonesia" or "Love Indonesian Product". That's what my government always say. Product here is also containing with Bahasa, I think.

And also, about using Bahasa, Sumpah Pemuda is also said like "Kami putra putri Indonesia menjunjung bahasa persatuan, Bahasa Indonesia" or "We, youth Indonesian citizens hold (in the high esteem) the unity language, Bahasa or Indonesian language". It's clearly said that firstly we as the citizens must use Indonesian language first rather than the other language, it's the meaning of hold (in the high esteem).

So, why not if I use my own language for my other posts? Hehe.. Honestly, I also already have that thoughts since long time ago.

Well guys, Just wait my next post that contain Bahasa in it.
But sometimes I will use it with formal or sometimes with informal way to write it, depends on the situation at that time...

That's all from me.. Thanks so much for reading my other unimportant post about my thoughts about Bahasa or Indonesian language at this time.
Hopefully, this post is useful and can entertain you.
Love your own language ;D

With love,

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

writing Writing and WRITING!!!

I don't know what is actually happen wih myself. But deep inside of my heart, my mind and wherever it is inside of me really wants me to write, write, and write more!!

Whatever kind of writing such as write something in this blog as my diary (fact), or on the twitter like quotes or maybe something more like essay and many more...

I really want to develop my writing skills honestly, and this blog is one of the tools that's really help. Here, I can express my thoughts, what I've been feeling by write it down here.

But still, human is never satisfy of what they actually reached or something that they actually achieved and have. They want more, more and MORE!! I also feel it as a human. I think it's not enough to just write it here. This blog is only my "part time" tool that I use to express and develop my writing skills. But it's nothing if I can't reach something more than that. I want more.

I have a plan. And this plan is already exist since I was in junior high school. I want to write a short story. Short story with me as an author, of course! No co-writer. And I'd love to published it here. Just wait it. Another one, I want to write an opini and I want that it'll be publised in the newspaper. Sounds like my dreams are so high and cliche. But I really mean it...

As the interlude, I ever wrote a story like mini novel or short story for only 50 pages in it, but it's a sign that my teacher gave me and it's become the collection in my senior high school library. I don't know about it right now. Is it still saved or not? Haha..

But really, I feel with writing, I can freely express myself with he words that I wrote rather than speak it. It's an art that really needs inspirations, thinks, and good mood to do it. I must have add the new list to my agenda. "Writing time" ;) . And it's for about 1 hour in the huay day, 3 hours in weekend. It sounds good! Also it's for developing my time management that's really such a mess for this last 3 months.

I really truly madly in love with writing world!!!!! All I want to do now is writing Writing and WRITING MORE!!!

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

April Mob?!?!?!?!

April mob...

It's identic with the date 1st of April... But until now, I still wonderig where's the beginning of that thing has been appeared?

Well, if some of you still wondering what actually April Mob is and what we actually do in that time, let me explain..

So, people (someone that wants to mistreat the other people) in the April Mob always make a scenario to Mistreat people (victims) at that time. Rather it with a good scenario or a bad one. The victims could be their friends, boyfriend, wife, husband, parents, whoever... The suspect would act like something, rather it good or bad, is really happen until the victim's really believe that scenario that the suspect's made. And when they really believe it, the suspect would suddenly said "April Mob" to the victims and at that time the victim would just realized that they had already become a victim of the suspect's mischief. It's fun!!! Of course if you become the suspect not the victims. Lol xD
(P.s : hope you guys understand what I explained, hehe ^_^v)

But until now, I'm still curious about the little fact about the April Mob itself, like.. Why this phenomenon should be celebrated in the first day of April? Is it just a culture that actually appearing? But if it's like that, since when those culture is exist?

All I know is April Mob has really been booming since I was in the first grade of Junior High School until now.

The little thing about April Mob is never been answered, but still just let it like it always supposed to be. That most important thing, I.. You.. We.. Are enjoy it! ;D

APRIIIILLLL MOOOBBBB!!!! *screamoutloud*


Sunday, 30 March 2014

Everything At Once

All I wanna be.. is everything.. Everything at once!
You alll guys, mostly, ever heard about this several parts of this words. Yes!! It's Lenka's lyrics of her song Everything at once..

From the title of this song, I've been thinking, that We - As a human - want to do every single thing that we want once.. that's our natural feelings as human. But of course, as human, we also realized that we can't do several things that we want or what we've already planned all at once. We have to do it one by one.

That's also happen to me! For this several weeks, I have soooooo many plans and project to do, and I REALLY want to finish it all right now. "I have to do my advance accounting homework right now, but the oher half of me wants me to do my practicum homework first, and the other one begs me to finish my essay assignment while the other one also wants to finish my paper, and many more! It's driving me crazy! Of course it is.

But I can't do it, ALL AT ONCE, for sure. So, here I am, sitting in my bed, write this post as the part of refreshing. Haha.. Frustate feeling? No. I just need to do some of my hobbies to increase my mood. This is one of it ;)Do a little break and try to do your hobbies while you have a pressure feelings or maybe when you are in the middle of you bustle is really helpful to make your mood increase again. I realize that all I can do right now is just chilling out and don't take too serious about those stuffs. And of course, try to make a priority of your works. Make a deadline when your works have to be done, so it won't be piled up and your works will be increased. Try to follow your deadline!

Remember, as a human we have lots of things that we want to do, but you can't do everthing at once. I've been realized those thig since the beginning. So, eventhough I feel like somthing is driving me crazy right now, I also trying to do some things like what I've already write from the paragraph above. Hope my days will be so much easier and have a nice one. Hope yours too!!

With love,

Friday, 28 March 2014

Singer wanna be???

In this awesome friday morning (Thanks God it's friday), My story would be opened up with the title "Singer wanna be???"

Of course in your mind, you guys perhaps think that I want to be a singer or some stuffs like that..

Well okay, let me tell you that, actually one of my hobby is singing.. Since I was a little girl I love to sing everywhere. Especially in bathroom, hahaha.. You can call me a bahroom singer because of that reason, lol. I'm just an amateur one. Okay. Next....

Sometimes I think that I'd like to be a singer, but then actually I just throw that minds so far because I don't have a good voice. And I never take any kind of vocal course to make my voice better, hahaha...

For this last few weeks, I just took "selfie" time to record my own voice and upload it to soundcloud. Lol. I think it's a cool site for you who want share your records, whatever kind of sounds record, just upload it there (#promote) and those application is quite easy to use.

This is my soundcloud site

If you don't mind, just give me your comment there. Hahaha..

But so sorry, first of all I want to tell you that my voice is not good. Really. Not like the other cover singer's voice. There's a lot of pitchy in my voice while I sing. But still, feel free to comment it. Or if you have a souncloud account, just follow me and feel free to ask me a follow back, and I'll follow you guys ;) (<-- kind of promoting again, lol).

These are severel songs that I covered.
Maudy Ayunda - Perahu Kertas

Ten2Five - I will fly

Christina Perri - A thousand years

The Script - Breakeven

That's all. Just wait the next song that will be covered by me. Thanks if you already opened that site and liaten the creepy voice of mine.

The point in tihis story of mine, well..
I love singing, but I don't have any idea to be a singer. The reason is in pargraph 4. Hehe..

Singing is  my hobby, and I will always do what I want as long as it's free and I love to do it, so you can't stop me..

There will be some people that will bring you down like give a sinistic comments about your hobbies, but just keep do it because it's a part of you.

Well, that's all from me. Thanks again for already read this 'little trash' of mine. HAVE A NICE DAY AND KEEP DO WHAT YOU LOVE TO DO!!! \(^_^)/


Wednesday, 19 February 2014

19th of February, means.......

What is actually happen with 19th of February?
What is that date means?
Maybe some of you have a big question about it or..
Whatever the questions, it might be around 19th of February..

Well guys, let me tell you about it..
It's my dad's special date ;D

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!!!!! *party* :D ({}) :*

I actually dedicate this post to the birthday man, which is the MOST AWESOME MAN in this EARTH!!!! Hehe...

Let me tell you guys a little thing abou him..
He is my teacher, and he is really a good teacher! He is my guard which always protect me.. He is a cute daddy. Lol. Why I said so? Because behind his "serious face", he loves joking. He always success to make me laugh, not only me but also people around him, with his jokes.. He is best friend EVER. The man who REALLY understand me and many more..
He is smart too.. He is my role model, my life mentor.

In your new age today dad, I wish you all the best for you that I couldn't ever mention one by one and my prays always goes to you. The most important things are keep healthy, long life and Stay AWESOME DADDY!!! I really wish that I can spend this day with you.. but stil, Have an AMAZING birthday ever, Dad..


*special ordinary video for you, dad*

Monday, 17 February 2014

Jogja with the experiences there

I writing this story in the bedroom of mine in Malang..
Well, I just arrived from Jogja after I spent 3 days there..

How's Jogja?

Firstly, I was so excited when I was on my way to Jogja! I had an activities that I had to do there. What kind of activity? Well, it's a debate competion. I went there with 11 friends of mine.

I was excited because it's the first time I went there. But unforunately, when we were on our way there, some of my friends in Jogja were told me that Jogja isn't in a good condition, because, well Kelud Mountain was exploded and the dust caused of the impact of it has been spreaded to Jogja.

When I've already arrived in Jogja and saw the situation there, it's so irony cause the dust is everywhere and we had to wear a mask.

In Jogja, I didn't do much thing there except followed the competion eventhough unfortunately my team wasn't break the quarter final, but 1 of my friend's team was break it. Congratulation to Andu and Mas Hanif ^_^

After the competion, we were went to do some travelling (not really). LOL. Photo hunting? Yes, absolutely! We were tried to went in Malioboro (famous place in Jogja) from a university (that held a competion) with used bus transJogja. Only with Rp 7.000 you can using those bus everywhere.

In Malioboro, we walked around it. There's a lot of things and shops there like Souvenir shop, clothes, bags, shoes and anything! You can found it there! ;D
And after that we went to Keraton Jogja and hunting some pistures there. The sense of culture there is so strong like in Bali, but in their own way, like the sense of Javanese culture from the people or ornament in the buildings that you can find and see. And after it, we went to train station to go back to Malang. And btw, an incident was happened to me there. I lost my identitiy card. LOL.

The point is, I've learned lot of things there like I have to improve my skill, so I can be a better. And sometimes you will be in the highest position and sometimes in the lowest one. With those thing, we can learn and feel the bittersweet of life. And don't be careless of something or you will lose it. It's also available noy only for things but also for people/human. Every experience have their own life meaning. I believe on it.

Thanks so much Jogja.

Even I only spent 3 days, but you already goving me a lot of experiences. I wanna back there in the better condition. Without the dust and without an interest to be there. Haha..
I ♥ Jogja :*

In Malang station, before we went to Jogja.
In th train. With Andu, Arina, Roby, Aris, Hanif and Ade.

Just arrived in Jogja's train station with a mask and lusterless face
But still exist with taking a picture. LOL.

Malioboro street. Full with dust. 

Arina, Me, Nuril and Mas Aris in the first day of competion.
In the hall.

Second day of competion.
(Bottom, left to right) Me and Nuril.
(Upper, left to right) Ambika and Ade.

(And many more photos in other phones and cameras of my friends, hehe)

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Some story in January 2014

Time flies so fast. That's what I thought....
It's already February and January had already gone..
There's a lot of memory that had been gone through those month. I had passed my final exam, yeah..., with a lot of effort and books and less sleep.. haha...
that's one of it..

Well, in this opportunity I want to throw back my mind into the January. What actually already happened in those month?

I was happy. My dad was came to viait me, because in this holiday, I didn't back to ky hometown. But still, the desire to bavk to my hometown is still there until now. Here in Malang, I'm focusing on my organization project and many more.. besides, something bad was hit my hometown. It was flooded at that time. But fortunately, my house in Manado didn't get those bad impact. PRAY FOR MANADO. Now, there's still a recovery to Manado city after those flood that was hit it.

Before, I also went to Bromo at that time. Psssstttt.... I didn't ask and got a permit from my parents at that time. I went there by myself with my friend. But when I was almost arrived in Bromo, the rain was fell down and never stopped until we went back to Malang. So the result, I was got wet but not whole my body. My upper body was still dry because I wore a jacket. FYI, I went there with motorcycle. And those jacket was gave by some Koreans people because they just did a favor towards me. It's nice to talk wih them and be friends with them. But unfortunately, I forgot to took some pictures with them.

And I met my friends, 3 of them. Stephany, Dana and Dini but in a different time in January, I met with Stephany first because her campus was hold a study tour and my campus is one of their destiny. She is my senior high school friend. We're in different class, but it's nice to meet her again. We just did a little reunion. Btw, thanks a lot vani for the Cakalang fish that u gave. It's so delicious,
and Dana. She is my friend in Bandung when I was took a preparation class for University test there. And we're classmate. She came to Malang for a holiday. Eventhough we just met for a while and it was just for having a breakfast together, but I was so happy to meet her again after a long time we didn't.
Dini. She is my classmate in senior high school. We acually live in the same city, but because of we didn't school in the same university and he location of our university is far 3nough, so we onky can meet when we have free time. And finally, I met her!!!! Thanks fornthe watch. Thanks also for let me to accompanied me to do shopping and chillinh out together at that time. Thanks for letting me to sleep in your new boarding house.. hahaha :D

And in Malang city, there was also hold a parade for culinary, Me and my driends in ILF were attended in those event after that we went to Karaoke place for having a chilling out time together because we just want to relaxing after working so hard to prepare an event. Hope our effort will be paid off.

It's so nice to flashback into beautiful memories that we have.

Arrived in Bromo.

unfortunately, it was rain in Bromo

still happy. I wish to go there again
with better weather condition

Cold.. Cold.. Cold..
But still selfie ✌

The scenery of the mountain was fulfilled with the rain?
The rain jacket that was given by the Koreans. thanks anyway :D

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Second Day of 2014

Well guys, I just waking up in the middle of the night. That's my acute disease. Someone have been told me that I'm like a bat because of it.

In this second day of January 2014, Firstly I want to say Hello to thia brand new day.. And also I just remember that today is my cousin's birthday, Anin. Happy Birthday Nurul Anindya.. All best wishes for you. God bless you :*

in this creepy night, I just want to finishing all my homework like my analysis homework for Operation Management subject and the proposal of EF (English Fiesta) 2014.

Proposal of English Fiesta 2014.

My homework. Operation Management. Theory of Constraints.

I want to finish it all today because start on Monday, 6th of January, I  will have a final exam. I don't want it to run my study time.

AND BTW, I have a new hobby right now. PHOTOGRAPHY. I kinda like it now. Like hunting pictures or just take some simple pictures and edit it to be better. Why I said better? Because, I have no appropriate word to describe it. Lol. I just tried to changed it to be better in my way. And those hobby have come, perhaps, just because my 'narcistic' part of myself is just showing up. Hahaha.. XD

so, these are some of the pictures that I've edit:

Actually, I took those photo and edit it in my note with using some tools that already provided. Now, we can edit photo easily with just choosing the background or effect that we want from that tools. You can also see my photos in my instagram : .
And unfortunately, I do not have any way to uploaded it besides there. Too busy to ma

Wednesday, 1 January 2014



Can't believe that today is already Januay, 1st 2014. How's ur new year's eve?
Mine is AWESOME for sure. I spent it with my friends and we did roasted lots of food in new year's eve.

It's been a long time since my last post for sure. Sorry (^_^)v. As you know, I'm so freaking busy with my college stuffs so.....

Well, new year, new hope.. U have to change to be a better person than last year. And of course, in this new year, I'd made a list what I want to achieve in this year.. This is some of it:

I still have so many plans that I want to achieve besides it.. Btw, what's yours?? ;D

There's a lot of memories behind in 2013. Just want to make some Caleidoskop of it. These are some best memories in 2013 of mine:

  • Spent my holiday time back to my hometown;
  • celebrated my Brother's Birthday;
  • celebrated eid mubarak with my family;
  • family holiday in Malang and Blitar (East Java) and Bali (story is in my previous post);
  • get an achievement from my major in Universrity

  • become a supervisor for the the freshman in my major in my campus
  • did Newbies Early Orientation for all the new member of ILF (International Language Forum)
  • followed East Java Varsities English Debate and my team became Octofinalist on it (new beginning for me and many more.I can't even tell it one by one cuz there's a lot of good memories in 2013. Thank you 2013.

With the freshman in my pleton. GO GO 6, GO GO GO 6, OYYY!! #PESMASI

The view in Villa Yeni Batu for Newbies Early Orientation

On my way to Blitar part 2

In Bali with my family. (BALI bomb Monument)

Holiday. Selcta, Malang, East Java.

Memories of joining EJVED 2013
At Makam Soekarno. Blitar, East Java.

Dad's graduation. Congrats for get a doctorate.

The achievement that I got from my campus major. Alhamdulillah.
Keep the food work. Fighting!!! ( 'o')9
I can't even tell it one by one cuz there's a lot of good memories in 2013. Thank you 2013.
Hope 2014 will give me more good memories and betterment towards myself.

Once again, Happy New Year °\(^_^)/°

Lovely Regard,

Me. Before sleeping. After celebrated new year's eve.
HAPPY NEW YEAR °\(^_^)/°